Chapter 1: Chapter one seems to be somewhat of a preparation for the rest of the book, and therefore touches on topics in a way that is relatively brief but informative. As such, it appears to be the sort of chapter that would encourage me to further pursue the various topics addressed, which I like to do quite a lot. I am also interested in the analysis of the Migrant Mother. It'll be interesting to see what sort of details they address in the text.
Chapter 6: I've always been interested in the history of photography and the way it's evolved as a medium for art, especially in the past half century or so. Also, I think the concentration on landscape photography will spur quite a bit of conversation, as everyone has their own opinion on that sort of thing.
Chapter 7: I have some strong opinions on several of the topics covered in this chapter, and I think it'll be good to read/hear what a college professor has to say about things. I know there's quite a lot of turmoil, with the rapid development of stunning digital technology and the instant gratification and seemingly cost-free nature of new imaging systems, especially various software technologies such as the ever-popular Instagram. I'm excited to see what sort of discussion will stem from this chapter.