Chapter 3 Response

Chapter 3 is a very rich chapter indeed. There is quite a lot to talk about and many points of contention it brings up. I was especially taken by the discussion of Kodak and their promotion of personal photography by making it quite easy to make a photograph. The dawn of set speed/focus/diaphragm cameras truly setup for the incredible media sharing we are ambushed with in the modern day. As such, the advent of media sharing websites was simply the logical next step.

However, I feel personally that the transient quality of these images has greatly diminished their value, as well as the recognized value of fine art photographs. Because there is often so little involved in a modern personal photograph, there is little thought put into the reading of those images. As a result, people do not initially read as far into fine art photographs.

• What might it take to reinstate the reinstate the value of a photograph?
• Is the intangible quality of the digital process at all to blame?