• Does digital manipulation of the human body and pornography truly alter perception of the human body or does it simply bring to light a certain aspect of the human mentality which would not normally be a factor?
Chapter 4 Response
Though Chapter Four is seemingly more focused than previous chapters, there is a great wealth of information contained within, and much of the content is of great controversy. For example, the discussion of pornographic images in the beginning of the chapter offers many great discussion points. I can not personally determine whether or not pornography is right or wrong, or whether it can even be so clearly categorized. I do, however take particular exception with the images of post-mortem children. Perhaps it's simply due to the fact that the subject matter is so sad that I disagree with the images, but I do think there is an issue with the lack of consent on the child's part. I understand that it's something that cannot be attained, but as such, I do not think the images should have been made. I suppose it's a matter of personal sensitivity.